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Read the text. Choose one of the variants A, B, C or D Vocabulary: idler - ледар, to smuggle - витягти, disciples - послідовники

There were many interesting people who influenced the development of civilization. one of them was the famous Greek philosopher, Socrates. He did nothing but talk - talk to anyone who would listen to him, discussing philosophy with students or sailors, questioning men about what they believed in and why, and how they could prove it. He listened to all people with great attention, sometimes for hours on end.

People’s attitude to him was different. Some Athenians called him a dangerous idler who did nothing. But the Oracle at Delphi had called him the wisest man alive, but Socrates said that the reason for his wisdom was only that unlike other men he knew how little he knew.

His enemies hated him. They said he made young minds doubt, if not mock everything. Due to this they said he was guilty and demanded his death.

His friends wanted to smuggle him out of prison but he refused to escape. He spent his last hours d hiiscussing the problems of good and evil. His mind was never having rest.

When his disciples saw him drink the cup of poison with dignity they wept. The man is gone but the “Socratic” method of questioning and teaching has always been respected since then.

1. Socrates never lost his ….

A. patience                    C. heart

B. temper                       D. mood

2. He liked to discuss philosophy with people and made them ….their point of view.

A. contend                     C. prove

B. demonstrate              D. argue

3. His enemies were sure he was able to ….the youth.

A. spoil                          C. destroy

B. ruin                           D. help

4. If Socrates had agreed with his enemies, he wouldn’t have been ……

A. envenomed              C. murdered

B. hung                         D. poisoned

5. His friends couldn’t …..him

A. save                         C. hang

B. spoil                         D. realiz
Text # 2
Read the text and choose one of the variants A, B, C, or D.

Big Ben is known as Great Britain’s most famous clock and one of London’s 1)known sights, situated on the bank os 2)river Thames and being an important part of the city’s skyscraper. It’s popular both with visitors and Londoners.
There is some misunderstanding as to the name itself. Some people refer it to the clock tower itself, 3)use the name just to the clock. Factually, strictly speaking the name Big Ben is the name of one bell, the largest bell in the clock.
Irrespective to the definition, Big Ben is massive. The tower is 316 foot high. 4)of the four faces of the clock is 23 foot square and the figures are each 4 foot tall.
There are some legends as to the origin of the name Big Ben. Some people consider it 5)about during the parliamentary debate to consider naming the clock - after Sir Benjamin Hall, who was known as “Big Ben”.
Another possibility is that the name referred to Benjamin Caunt, a heavyweight boxing champion of the time 6)nickname was “Big Ben”.

1. A. good
B. better
C. most well
D. best
2. A. a
B. an
C. the
D. -
3. A. others
B. the others
C. another
D. others’
4. A. Every
B. Each
C. All
D. Both
5. A. has appeared
B. appeared
C. had appeared
D. was appearing
6. A. who
B. which
C. whose
D. whom

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По иронии судьбы (дословно - по странной случайности)  , именно полицейский подал им идею для плана убийства. инспектор нанес неожиданный визит в дом французов (а может, это фамилия, и она не переводится) как-то вечером. чарльз тоже был там. он часто заходил выпить. "недалеко отсюда было совершено несколько ограблений", - сказал инспектор роберту, - "и мы до сих пор не поймали налетчика. мы знаем, кто он, и пройдет немного времени, прежде чем мы поймаем его, но мы обеспокоены. он носит оружие, и мы почти уверены, что он убил человека. сейчас его дом находится в уединенном месте. мистер даррел - ваш единственный сосед. у вас тоже есть много ценного серебра". в passive voice можно переделать 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9

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