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Complete the sentences with the words from the brackets. (do research, shore, protect, poachers (браконьєри), expert, rescue (врятувати), dedicate (присвятити), endangered, wildlife, crew )
1) If you need any information on African wild animals, talk to Julie. She is a ___.
2) Last week a friend of mine, who is a naturalist, went to Africa to for an article about wild animals.
3) The worst thing about is that they hunt animals for money.
4) Can you name any other animal besides gorillas and whales?
5) I love documentaries about especially tigers.
6) There were ten people on the TV who were making a film about Zoo animals.
7) Naturalists study the natural world and it from those who destroy it.
8) They were sailing a kilometer from when they saw a whale.
9) If you want to be a good scientist, then you have to your whole life to science.
10) My cat Kiss climbed the tallest tree in the garden. I had to call the firefighters to it.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. paul will be sent to prison. (future tense) 2. my brother has just been beaten in the race. (present perfect) 3. he was told to wait outside. (past tense) 4. i wasn't paid for the work. (past tense) 5. policemen are often asked the way. (present tense) 6. their lawn is cut once a week. (present tense) 7. we will be asked by the police. (future tense) 8. the towels weren't used. (past tense) 9. he has not been sold the jewels. (present perfect). 10. they are taught french. (present tense) 11. the fire brigade was phoned soon after the fire had broken out. (past tense) 12. you will be laughed at if you talk such nonsense. (future tense) 13. all the fruits were eaten up by the guests. (past tense) 14. the letter will be answered tomorrow. (future tense) 15. stamps are sold here. (present tense)

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