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12) Answer the question 1. Who is director of your office? 2. When does he discuss business with you and other engineers? 3. Whom docs your director receive at his office? 4. Vhat does he discuss with them? 5. What language does he speak with foreign businessmen? 1. What's your secretary's name? 2. What does she bring to the director in the morning? 3. What does she bring you and other engineers? 4. Does she usually telephone other offices? 5. Who asks he r to telephone fices? 1. What are you? 2. What office do you work at? 3. Does your office buy sell goods? 4. Must you receive for- eign businessmen at your office? 5. What do you discuss with them? 6, What language you speak with for- eign businessmen. 13) Create situations with the following words: 1. the Ministry, a manager, to do business, different countries, a lot of businessmen, to discuss contracts, to sell (to buy) other goods; 2. to have a lot of work to do, to go through, to send, catalogues, to receive, prices of different goods, the terms of payment and delivery; 3. our office, floor, there is/are, a telephone, to receive, mail, to go through the mail, an answer, to have a lot of work to do; 4. sometimes, to receive engineers, a factory, to discuss business, to go to a factory, to see the new equipmer to telephone, other offices, to discuss the terms of a contract.

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To  watch  out for  something, somebody. — напряжённо ожидать чего-либо, кого-либо, остерегаться. watch out for him! остерегайся его.

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