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Фразы-How are you doing. Cоставить из этой фразы предложени ПОМАГИТЕ И БЫСТРЕЙ

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Ответы на вопрос:

My friend asked me how I was doing.

1) We decided to elect Emir captain of our team.

2) You cannot shelter your children from the realities of life.

3) He cultivated his small garden.

4) Thanks to the nice weather, we could harvest all of the crops in a day.

5) We had a record crop of grapes this year.

6) Bubusara Beishenalieva was an outstanding ballerina.

7) She was awarded the prize for both films.

8) He was an orphan and lived with his uncle.

9) Crops are grown in rural areas.


award (v.) - НАГРАЖДАТЬ - to give a prize to someone for something they have achieved

cultivate (v.) - КУЛЬТИВИРОВАТЬ/ВОЗДЕЛЫВАТЬ - to prepare land and grow crops on it

crop (n.) - УРОЖАЙ -  the amount of plants of a particular type that are produced at one time

elect (v.) - ВЫБИРАТЬ - to choose someone for a particular job or position by voting

harvest (v.) - УБИРАТЬ УРОЖАЙ -to pick and collect crops.

outstanding (adj.) - ВЫДАЮЩИЙСЯ - excellent and much better than most

orphan (n.) - СИРОТА - a child whose parents are dead

rural (adj.) - СЕЛЬСКИЙ - relating to the countryside and not to towns

shelter (v.) - ЗАЩИЩАТЬ/ОГРАЖДАТЬ - to protect someone from difficult or unpleasant experiences

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