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ПЕРЕСКАЗ КРАТКИЙ Greg Mortenson's story began with failure. In 1993, he set out to climb K2, the
world's second highest mountain. But Greg never made it to the top. After five
days, he stumbled into the village of Korphe in northern Pakistan, injured and
hungry. 11
Greg saw that the villag ers were very poor and there was a lot of disease and
hunger. Also, the village school didn't have a roof and the children wrote on
the ground with sticks. 2 | Tll build you a school," he told the villagers. 1
Greg went back home to the USA to raise money for the school. He even lived
in his car to save money! 3 But this was just the beginning of something
much bigger! Since then, Greg's organisation has built around 80 schools and
runs many others in Pakistan, Afghanistan and other countries, too.
Greg hasn't finished 'yet. 4 He has won many humanitarian and peace
awards, but it's the smiles of the children he has helped that makes him
54 It's a thrilling read and proof of what ordinary people can do with
courage and determination!

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Friends - boxers i have looked at the tv«vesti» next world title fight. i poured myself a two hundred grams, two cucumber. lit i «accept» , felt so good and easy. i look, and ibragimov embracing with klitschko. go and look at each other, but has not yet been hit. it is seen in the hall of their girlfriends, they fight not give. the glove hit in glove the обнимутся again. them on the faces of the fingerprints, banned to leave. everywhere cameras record, should the appearance of the keep. the audience whistle. after all know: unfastened them five. and not thousand - million, everyone wants to see the blood. pay the audience in the «green» them for the fight, not for love. but the guys from the union, them why each other beat and each other face тузить. they tomorrow together for a drink. vova spilled my two hundred, bring sultan shashlik. wife rejoice together, the money is there, and the whole man. want more bucks, the revenge realise. pay americans, our look. battle ends. next stood up. hand raised klitschko. both not even tired breathe evenly and easily. shocked the audience remained, paid the money in vain: see how that wouldn't fight two healthy bull. i have not remained in the black, two hundred grams missed. make a fool let americans: i, however, money is not paid. друзья- боксеры  посмотрел я теле-«вести» ,  следом – чемпионский бой.  я налил себе грамм двести,  два огурчика с собой.  закурил я тут же «приму» ,  стало на душе легко.  я смотрю, а ибрагимов  обнимается с кличко.  ходят, смотрят друг на друга,  но пока еще не бьют.  видно, в зале их подруги,  им подраться не .  то перчаткой бьют в перчатку,  то обнимутся опять.  им на лицах отпечатки,  запретили оставлять.  всюду камеры снимают,  надо внешний вид держать.  зрители свистят. ведь знают:   отстегнули им по пять.  и не тысяч – миллионов,  все хотят увидеть кровь.  платят зрители в «зеленых»  им за бой, не за любовь.  но из союза,  им зачем друг друга бить  и друг другу морду тузить.  им же завтра вместе пить.  вова разольет по двести,  принесет султан шашлык.  жены радуются вместе,  деньги есть, и цел мужик.  захотят побольше баксов,  то реванш сообразят.  платят пусть американцы,  что на наших поглядят.  бой закончен. рядом встали.  руку подняли кличко.  оба даже не устали,  дышат ровно и легко.  в шоке зрители остались,  деньги заплатили зря:   посмотрели, как не дрались  два здоровых бугая.  я внакладе не остался,  двести граммов пропустил.  дурят пусть американцев:   я же денег не платил. 

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