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3 Complete the sentences with the Past Simple

1 Was the vase media ...(make) in China?
No, it wasn't. It
...(make) in England.

...the vase
...(create) 700
years ago? No, it wasn't. It
in 2014.

3 ...the emperor's treasures
...(lose)? Yes, they were.They
...(not discover).
4...the vase
...(break)? Yes, it
was, but luckily Pops
...(not hurt).

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Ответы на вопрос:

это перевести надо

Was the vase media made in China?

No, it wasn't. It

was made in England.

Was the vase

created 700

years ago? No, it wasn't. It

was created

in 2014.

3 Were the emperor's treasures

lost? Yes, they were.They

were not discovered

4. Was the vase

broken? Yes, it

was, but luckily Pops

was not hurt


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