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9 Choose the best answer to each question (56–60). 56 There are several kinds of sensitive information that shouldn’t be included in e- mails. Which one doesn’t appear in the article?
a) complaints about people you work with
b) trade secrets
c) employees’ names
d) bank-account details
e) credit-card details
57 If they want to discuss sensitive deals, Goldman Sachs employees are told not to …
a) use the phone.
b) use e-mail.
c) talk to a person inside the company.
58 According to an ePolicy survey, most companies …
a) use special software to block sensitive messages.
b) organise training programmes to instruct employees how to use e-mail.
c) send only written instructions about using e-mail.
59 Proofpoint is …
a) a kind of software that monitors e-mails.
b) a company that specialises in electronic security.
c) an institute that advises companies on security.
60 Which word is used in the article to mean the same as ‘sensitive’?
a) casual
b) instant
c) embarrassing

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Ответы на вопрос:

To take   care   of -   i i take care   of   my brother   to go shopping- i go shopping   with my   mother to go abroad-i   go abroffe   with my   sister   in   this summer   to take   pictures-i take   some   pictures of   my friends   to   spend holiday-   i spend   last holiday   with my sister   to   miss   friends. i   miss   my friends   very much  to take   english lesson- in   the   future   i will take   english lesson   in a   first   grade          

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