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1. A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs given. 1. If he ………………………………more, he ………………………………. (study / not fail) 2. If I ………………………………you were waiting here, I ………………………………earlier. (know / come) 3. Mary ………………………………you if she ………………………………your number. (call / have) 4. We ………………………………to the beach if the weather ………………………………nice. (go / be) 5. My mother ………………………………more food if she ………………………………they were coming. (cook / know) 6. If you ………………………………me the line was so big, I ………………………………. (tell / not come) 7. Jane ………………………………casual clothes if she ………………………………on a meeting before. (wear / not be) 8. This chair ………………………………if it ………………………………so old. (not break / not be) 9. If you ………………………………with us, you ………………………………a beautiful concert. (come / see) 10. MY parents ………………………………if my dog ………………………………sick. (travel / not be) 11. I ………………………………if you ………………………………me. (fall / not hold) 12. They ………………………………the house after the party if they ………………………………so tired. (clean / not be) 13. If George ………………………………the truth, his mother ………………………………so angry. (tell / not be) 14. If I ………………………………money, I ………………………………a new jacket. (have / buy) 15. If it ………………………………so hard, our house ………………………………damaged. (not rain / not be) 16. I ………………………………my plans if I ………………………………this yesterday. (change / know) 17. My car wouldn’t have broken down if the road ………………………………so many holes. (not break / not have) 18. Peter ………………………………to the conversation class if he ………………………………sick. (go / not get) 19. The ship ………………………………three days ago if it ………………………………so many problems. (arrive / not have) 20. I ………………………………more if I ………………………………we had more time. (eat / know)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

puzzle,ball, teddy bear,computer,game,roller,skates,present,doll,bicycle

Популярно: Английский язык