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С! откройте скобки, поставьте глагол в правильной форме и определите видо- временные формы глаголов, переведите предложения на язык (см. образец выполнения 3). 1. food is expensive. it (to cost) a lot of money. 2. last night he (to invite) me to the party. 3. next sunday we (to visit) the tower of london.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. food is expensive. it costs a lot of money. - present simple еда дорогая. она дорого стоит. 2. last night he invited me to the party. - past simple  прошлым вечером он пригласил меня на вечеринку. 3. next sunday we will visit the tower of london. - future simple в следующее воскресенье мы посетим тауэр лондона.

Iwas born in izhevsk. it is a my native town so i know it very well. the most exciting place for me is (само место),  because there you can find modern atmoshere, polite people, who look after that so it is clean there.  one of the most usefull quality of this old/not old    place it is quite near my home that's way i have to go not so far to visit it and it's not so dangerous. there are a lot of people at evening so it's much crowded, noizey  and polluted and angry assistents can become rude. but at morning this place is empty and even boring. you can be safe there in that time.

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