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Exercise L. Read the definitions below and write the numbers 1-18 next to the following words. boarding school, primary school, co-educational school, private school, College of Further Education, public school,
comprehensive school, secondary school, evening classes, Sixth-Form College, nursery school, state school, playschool,
Teacher Training College, Polytechnic, The Open University, prep school, university
1. This is a school which is run by the goverment and where education is free.
2. This is a school which is not supported by government money and where parents have to pay for their children's education.
It is sometimes called an independent school.
3. This is the school a child attends from the age of 5 to the age of 11.
4. This is a school for children between 3 and 5 years of age. Most of them are run by local education authorities.
5. This is an institution where students study for degrees and where academic research is done. The most famous ones are
Oxford and Cambridge.
6. This is the school a child attends after the age of 11 and until he or she is 16 or 18.
7. This is similar to a nursery school but is not usually run by the local education authority. It is an informal school where
children learn to play with other children as well as learning other things through play rather than formal lessons.
8. This is usually a private school where the pupils live during the term and only go home to their parents during the
9. This is the most common type of state secondary school where pupils of all abilities and backgrounds are taught together.
10. This is a private school for pupils up to the age of 13, where they are made ready (or prepared) to attend a school for
older pupils, usually a public school.
11. This college specializes in training people to become teachers.
12. This is a college for people who have left school and want more qualifications at a lower level than a degree. Here, the
courses are often linked to some kind of practical training, for example, typing, hairdressing, etc.
13. This is a special type of university, open to everyone, which uses radio and television for teaching and the students' work
is sent to them by post
14. These are courses for adults held in most towns - usually in the evenings - where students, for a small fee, study a
variety of things, from French to flower arranging.
15. This is a college which specializes in preparing people for particular jobs in science, industry, etc.
16. This is a private school which provides secondary education for pupils between the ages of 13 and 18. Usually it has a
long tradition and fees are expensive. Two of the most famous ones are Eton and Harrow.
17. This is a school for pupils between the ages of 16 and 18, who are preparing to take their A-level examination.
18. This is a school where boys and girls are taught together in the same buildings and classrooms,​

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