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, нужны выписать глаголы (или словосочетания с ними) в страдательном залоге (их должно быть всего 5). Нужно указать их время и инфинитив. A young mother was found murdered in Canada. Among the suspects was her ex-husband, who was living with his parents nearby. Police found a jacket with bloodstains matching the woman’s blood and several white hairs. The hairs were thought to be from a cat, and a policeman remembered seeing a white cat at the parents’ home. Forensic investigators carried out DNA tests on the cat hair — and the results matched. It is reported to have been the first time that animal DNA was allowed as evidence in Canada, and the man was convicted.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A young mother was found murdered in Canada — Past Simple Passive

The hairs were thought to be from a cat — Past Simple Passive

It is reported — Present Simple Passive

animal DNA was allowed — Past Simple Passive

the man was convicted — Past Simple Passive

Was found-past simple passive to find

Were thought-past simple passive to think

Is reported-present simple passive to report

Was allowed-past simple passive to allow

Was convicted-past simple passive to convict

11legs? 2c 3a 4c 5c 2 1put.will burn 2buys.will have 3drives.will take 4i'll cook.get 5opened.would get 6would buy.save

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