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Микробы. доёмами?
1. Какие водоёмы нашего края вы знаете?
2. В чём разница между искусственными и естественными во-
4. Чем отличается канал от реки? Озеро от водохранилища?
3. Какие искусственные водоёмы Кыргызстана вам известны?
5. Как вы поступите, если обнаружите, что из неисправного крана
течёт вода?
ому же, бо-
Ходя через
пой торфа,

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Если вопросы тоже нужно, тогда так: reporter asked where did bill murray buy his first newspaper. (не совсем уверен насчет этого предложения) b.m. answered that he bought his first newspaper a year ago. (его спросили где, он ответил he said that it doesn't mean he had never read a newspaper before that. reporter asked about reading newspapers before that. b.m. answered that when he was younger, he usually read the newspapers his parents got or bought. reporter asked how often b.m. reads it. b.m. said that he reads newspapers from sunday to saturday, because the newspaper is a huge and consist of dozens of pages. reporter asked about being happy with newspaper. b.m. answered that he has been reading his newspaper for a year and he has always been happy with it. he also said that the newspaper provides him with balanced view of the world. reporter asked about what b.m. the most interested in his newspaper. b.m. answered that it includes an amazing sports page! that was a first thing that he read. reporter asked about his opinion concerning interesting of his newspaper. b.m. said that he hopes it will remain as interesting and unbiased as it is now. вроде бы всё, без потери смысла : d

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