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Circle the correct words. A: When does our flight leave?
B: In an hour. So, we've got a little / little time before we leave A: Yes Do you want to get any / some coffee there are a few / few cafes over there I think 2. My mother makes 10ch / m * a * r nice desserts. She's got a lot / lots of recipes but a few / few people know that the recipes are actually my grandmother's. My mother doesn't like using any / no new recipes. She says the old ones are the best B: Yeah, I don't mind because I like her desserts much / a lot

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Ответы на вопрос:

As for me, i like spending my free time with my friends. unfortunatelly, neither of us has a lot of free time. but at least two times a month we gather together to discuss our problems and to have fun. we usually meet on saturdays after school. every time we meet, we go to our bowling club   -  "the bowl". we play bowling there, eat pizza and burgers. we really like "the bowl" because it's clean there and the food is really good. we discuss different problems, we talk about our lessons and teachers, about the exams and future profession and of cause about the girls! as for me, the most important thing, that bothers me is my future profession and how i pass the exams

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