Есть ответ 👍

Lesson 3 7 Read the story and write the answers.
(See Student's Book page 16.)
Ask and say.
Picture 1: What have they got on their bikes? They've got everything.
Picture 2: What does Natalie do when they stop?
Picture 3: What are they eating?
Picture 4: Where are they staying?
Picture 5: What's Jack doing?
Picture 6: What stings Murn's ankle?
Picture 7: Who's saying 'well done to Jack?
Picture 8: Where are they?
Picture 9: What's lack still doing?​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. simon broke a leg after falling and had to put it in the plaster cast.

- после падения саймон сломал ногу и ему пришлось наложить гипс.

2. yesterday my mum burned her hand on the frying pan.

- вчера моя мама обожгла руку о раскалённую сковороду.

3. jane fell and twisted her ankle during basketball practice. she was told to put ice on it and keep her foot up.

- джейн упала и подвернула лодыжку во время баскетбольной тренировки. ей сказали приложить лёд и не опускать ногу.

4. mark bruised his eye when a ball hit it. he couldn't see properly for days.

- марк ушиб глаз, когда мяч попал в него. он пару дней не мог чётко видеть.

5. susan sprained her wrist while swinging a gold club. she has to rest her hand for a month.

- сюзан растянула запястье во время замаха клюшкой для гольфа. теперь ей нужно дать руке отдохнуть месяц.

6. jenny hitted her head against the door. now she has a terrible headache.

- дженни ударилась головой о дверь. теперь у неё ужасно болит голова.

7. as tom was climbing the rocks, he cutted his leg and it started bleeding.

- во время скалолазания, том порезал ногу и у него открылось кровотечение.

8. while john was running, he pulled a muscle in the back of his leg. it was very painful to walk home.

- во время пробежки джон потянул мышцу в задней части своей ноги. ему было больно идти домой.

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