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Исправьте информацию в предложении. Example He opened the store when he was 20.
Answer No, he didn't. He opened the store when he was 30.
1. Montgomery Ward devised a two-sheet price list, listing 100 items for sale.
2. Pryce-Jones could extend his client base across America.
3. Sears and Roebuck were using mail order with great success by the 1990s.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. tim's parents usually (praise) him. 2. the ship (sank) near the rock last year. 3. ruth (will practise) her french in paris next month. 4. mrs. nelly always (includes) this ingredient into her cakes. 5. tina (saved) her kitten from the dog yesterday". 6. james (will polish) the furniture in an hour. 7. they (synthesised) meat products ten years ago. 8. we usually (splash) tomato juice before drinking. 9. i (will paddle) tomorrow morning.

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