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4 10616 Choose the correct linker.
1) To begin with/Such as, space exploration could help us find
other planets that could support life. 2) First of all/For instance,
we could find planets that have similar conditions to ours. 3) This
is because As a result, humans have an alternative place to live
if Earth becomes too dangerous.
4) In conclusion/However, there is no doubt that space
exploration is expensive. 5) In particular/In contrast, building
spacecraft and preparing missions costs taxpayers a lot of money
6) That is why/For instance many people feel the money would
be better spent on public services.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)  He has finished training.

2) She has scored twenty points in the match.

3) We have matched all the Champions League matches this season.

4) That`s amazing! She has run fifteen kilometers this morning!

5) She has bought some really nice rollerblades!

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