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EXERCISE 19. a) Find in the text the words which have the a
similar meanings as the following words (Найдите в
текстах слова, сходные по значению со следующими
large, to like, much, slim, to assist, a pupil, various, whole,
to be situated, beautiful, little, an apartment.
b) Find in the text the words which have the opposite mean-
іngs to the following words (Найдите в текстах слова,
противоположные по значению следующим словам):
big, short, fair, to dislike, little, older, here, north, left, low,
bad, busy, difficult, dark, narrow, thin, under.
c) Read, translate the sentences, change the words in italics
into the words with similar and opposite meanings
(Прочитайте, переведите предложения, замените
выделенные курсивом слова на слова со сходным и
противоположным значением):
1. This girl is thin. 2. We spend a lot of time together. 3. Our
flat is large. 4. She is fond of dancing. 5. This thick carpet is nice.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)starve-голодать depend-зависеть grill-готовить на гриле takeaway- на вынос family-sized-семейный dessert-десерт low-fat- с пониженным содержанием жира canteen-столовая order-заказать 2)any,some,no,a lot of, some,no, much, a lot of 3)out, take away, put off, take out

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