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Put the verbs into Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect: 1. I ( sleep) when my mom (come).
2. When I (arrive) the teacher already ( start) the lesson.
3. She ( study) from 5 till 10 p.m yesterday.
4. He ( buy) a new car yesterday.
5. They ( record) the song when the lights (go) out.
6. My brother already ( leave) when his friend ( call).
7. The teacher (explain) the material and the students (listen) to him very attentive.
8. I (complete) the test before the bell (ring).
9. He ( wait) for the train for an hour.
10. She (visit) this museum last year.
Exercise 2
Use present continuous, be going to, will/shall for the future actions:
1. It's snowing. we (to go) outside?
2. They (to have) a meeting at 7 tomorrow.
3. I'm sure she(to pass) the exam.
4. It's getting cold. It (to be) frosty at night.
5. He promises he (to come) on time tomorrow.
6. We (to leave) at 9 tomorrow.
7. Soon women ( to have) equal rights with men.
8. Your bags are too heavy. You ( to drop) them.
9. It's cold. - I (to open) the window.
10. Perhaps we ( to be ) late.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Mary and Max are tourists .They in Zinbabwe .They love travels.They are looking at the waterfall.Mary has camera.Her hobby is photo.Mary and Max very interesting people.They love waterfall,museumas.They went to Maldives,Russia,Zinbabwe,Africa,America.They loved travels

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