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Complete the sentences with the words in the list. trendy, sightseeing, traditional, souvenir. 1.There are some ... shops on Bond Street; it's a great place to buy designer clothes. 2.We saw Buckingham Palace and the London Bridge when we went ... in London. 3.Let's buy a ... for Paul from the Tower of London. 4.There are plenty of places on the River Thames where you can buy the ... British dish, fish and chips.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. trendy

2. sightseeing

3. souvenir

4. traditional


1) who wrote the poem? my new friend

when was the poem written? two days ago

where was the poem written? at school

2) where was it built? at the seaside

when was a sandcastle built? last summer

who built the sandcastle? my brother did it

3) who told the story? my mother told it

when was the story told? yesterday

why was the story told? because emily asked

4) when was the land discovered? a year ago

who discovered the land? a famous person

who lives there? nobody. it is abandoned.

5) what for were animals killed? to make a collection

where were they situated? in spain

who killed them? murders

6) where were they remembered? at the history lessons

who remembered that facts? my classmates

when were they remembered? three hours ago

7) where were the trees cut down? near my home

what for were they cut down? to get expensive material

why  did it? unknown people

8) where were they built? near the boundary

when were thy built? last century

who told to build them? the president

9)    who polluted them? tourists

when were they polluted? a decade ago

where are the rivers situated? near the minsk

10)what for were they collected? to buy a new bike

who collected money? me and my friends

how much money were collected? 100 pounds

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