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Present Progressive vs. Simple Present Cloze Directions: Complete the story with the correct present progressive or simple present tense of
the verb in parentheses
This is a picture of Tashi. He (1) is
(be) from Tibet. Right now, he
(sit) in the river and (3)_Deuring (pour) water onto the bowl to
clean it. The water (a) is splashing (splash) off the bowl into the air. Washing the dishes
(be) Tashi's daily chore Every day after lunch, he (6)_gues
to the the river and (7) Washes (wash) the dishes. He (8) likes
(like) doing
this chore because the water (9) is
(be) cool and relaxing Today, he
(10) is wearing (wear) an orange robe. He (11)
(wear, negative) a hat
(live) near
because he (12)
(like, negative) them. Tashi (13).
(help) his family with the family work. He
the river with his family. He (14).
(have) anood life

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Aworld-famous buckingham palace is the official london residence of the queen of england - her majesty queen elizabeth ii. but it is not just the main palace of the country, not just a place of queen, which has been for more than forty years, she has acting head of state and the british commonwealth, the supreme commander of the armed forces and secular head of the anglican church. first of all - this residence the queen of england and her family.

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