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4,8(24 оценок)

What’s different between schools in russia and the uk? all state schools in russia and in britain are free. in russia children primary start school at about six or seven years old and in britain they go to school at five. in russia and in britain children start secondary school at about 11 years old and end at the age of 15 or 16. then russian schoolchildren go the senior school and study there for two years or go to the college. after senior school they go to universities. british children go to the sixth form college at the age of 16, and then they go to the universities. in russia students get marks where 5 is the best and 2 is the worst mark. in britain the best mark is a, the worst one is е. russian students have three terms and a week holiday between each term. summer holidays last three months. british students have six terms and a week or two holiday after each term. summer holidays last six weeks in britain. russian and british students have out-of-class activity, go to the trips and excursions.

Популярно: Русский язык