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Make sentences with should have... [ Пример: John's car is running badly. (check)... He should have it checked ]

1 Mary's watch isn't going. (repair).

2 Mike's trousers are dirty. (clean)... 3 John and Helen's kitchen window is broken. (repair) .

4 Peter's hair is getting very long. (cut)

5 Tom and Janet's new car has done 10,000 km. (service) ...​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Відповідь: 1 she should repair that

2 he should clean them

3 they should repair the window

4 he should cut his hair

5 they should service their car


I’m going to have a creative work. i will become an artist or a designer. — у меня будет творческая работа. я стану художником или дизайнером. i want to help people and that’s why i want to work as a doctor. — мне нравится людям и поэтому я хочу работать врачом. i like to travel and that’s why i want to become a tour guide. — мне нравится путешествовать и поэтому я хочу стать гидом.

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