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Complete the following sentences, using the suggested verb and choosing the correct conditional. Suggested answers are given near. 1. If you practice your English often, (to improve). 2. If I looked like him, (to be). 3. If we had taken the earlier train, (to arrive). 4. If it rains on their wedding day, (to cancel). 5. If you read this English book, (to learn). 6. If she had practiced speaking, (to pass). 7. If they cheated in the test, (to report). 8. If you eat too much chocolate, (to get). 9. If I take more classes, (to do). 10. If the motorway had been less busy, (to get). 11. If you look at the picture closely, (to see). 12. If he had asked me for the pen, (to give). 13. They will buy the textbook… (to recommend). 14. You would learn more… (to study). 15. I will get the new car… (to be). 16. He gets very angry… (to talk). 17. We would be happier… (to have). 18. Luke would have passed the exam… (to practice). 19. He will pass next time… (to take). 20. I would have liked the book… (to be). 21. The cat purrs… (to stroke). 22. People in Brighton will get upset… (to rain). 23. They would tell us… (to want). 24. It would have been beautiful… (to work).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.) it (was) sunday yesterday and they (were) at home.

возможен и этот вариант:

  it (was) sunday yesterday and they (weren't) at home.  2.) kim (was) at her grandmother's yesterday.


  kim (wasn't) at her grandmother's yesterday.  3.) she (is) at home.  4.) mum and dad (were) at work yesterday.  возможен и этот вариант:

  mum and dad (weren't) at work yesterday.  5.) they (are) in the village.


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