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№1 Соедините простые предложения при союзов or, but,and. 1. Nancy goes to the mall every day. She doesn’t buy anything.

2. Tyler goes to the mall twice a week. The Kowalskis go to the mall every


3. Connie likes to look in the cosmetics shops. She usually buys


4. Do the Kowalskis go to the bowling alley? Do they go to the spa?

5. Tyler likes to buy the latest sports clothes. Connie likes to buy the

designer clothes

№2 Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1. Both Nancy and her friends (goes\ go) to the mall every day.

2. Both my friends and I (goes\ go) to the mall every day.

3. Both my friends and I (walks\ walk) up and down looking in the clothes


4. Both my friends and I (plays\ play) the games.

5. Both Tyler and his friends (tries\ try) out the new games.

6. Both Vanessa and her kids (loves\ love) eating fast food

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Ответы на вопрос:


1. There were five of us that year at Mrs. Waller's.

2. He carried a violin in his left hand.

3. Holmes said he was a student of human nature.

4. How did the strange know that supper was at seven?

5. Mrs. Waller's life suddenly became at quite different

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