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Вставьте в пропуски подходящий модальный глагол, уделяя внимание правильной форме глагола, следующего после модального глагола.
1. You ... (to do) it directly on return.
2. The letters ... (to be) written in this very house.
3. Mary
4. He gave you just the feeling of assurance, of confidence that a doctor ... (to give).
5. She was wide awake when his mother called him at 7 o'clock this morning; she ...
6. I looked up and ... (to see) anything but the Sun and some clouds. The weather was fine.
7. You are becoming forgetful. You ... (to remind) me about it.
8. We ... (to meet) at the entrance to the theatre at a quarter to nine.
9. Last night Den suddenly became ill. We
10. Listen to me, please, don't contradict her, you ... (to respect) her age.
(to be) ill, otherwise she would have come.
(to call).
(to call) the doctor.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. Alex said he really wanted to be a pilot.

2. Ella said she couldn't stand romantic films.

3. The woman said that the young boy had taken her bag.

4. The police officers said they were watching the people in the house.

5. The young man said he hadn't seen the robbery.

6. Paula said that Dora hadn't asked her about her exam results.

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