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– No, bro

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Формально ответ на ваш вопрос краток и прост: в английском, ровно, как и в русском, обращение выделяется запятыми. Этому учат в английских школах.

А на самом деле все англичане поголовно игнорируют запятую в обращении - но только если оно стоит в конце фразы. И честно ставят запятую, если фраза начинается с обращения.


Sam, thank you very much!

Bro-обращение, следовательно запятая нужна

i think that if you don't eat anything or you eat very little a day it is very harmful for our health. our body, our organism loses necessary  nutrients and you can get ill. the diet is very harmful for our heart, liver, stomach. i think that you can follow the diet if it is balanced and healthy. it is   a diet which is low in fats, especially saturates, and rich in fruits, vegetables and starchy foods. you must eat  regularly - three or four times a day. you must drink five or six glass of water per day.  you mustn't eat much sugar and salt. and of course if you want to be fit you must do sport. you can do morning exercise, or run in the park, or ride a bike with your friends, go to the gym twice a week. so in order to be fit you must have a balanced diet and always be active!  

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