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3 ** Complete the sentences with will or be going to. Use the affirmative or
negative form of the verbs in brackets.
Charlotte Have you ever been to Tunisia?
Will Yes, I have. I'm sure
you'll enjoy (enjoy) your
1 James
holiday there.
What are your plans for the
Andrew l__ (stay) with my
grandparents for a few weeks.
2 Khalid Why don't you try skiing
one day?
Chris No, I don't want to. I knowl
(not like) it.
3 Ashraf Look at the time!
Laura Oh no. We
(be) late.
4 Sam What do you think about the
future of the planet?
Lucy I think it -
hotter in the next century.
(get) much
5 Nadia
Has your sister decided about
that job at the hotel?
Yes. She - (not apply)
for it.
Do I need a lot of money for a
return ticket to the airport?
No, it's only a short trip so it
(not cost) much.
6 Ruben

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Каким словом лучше всего охарактеризовать условия труда в  текстильной  фабрике?  

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