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Хелп 19. of the animals that live in the desert are nocturnal.

A) Much B)Some
C)Each D)Every

20. Surveys say anti-war protests and incidents in of Europe are at their most frequent since World War II.
A) each B)a few
C)many D)much

21. We have interviewed with twenty candidates for the vacant position, but of them was actually a good fit.

A) most B)neither
C)much D)none

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Ответы на вопрос:

19. В

20. С

21. D


IV. Fill in the blanks with the necessary words in brackets:

1. Help yourself to (the cherries)

2. Thank you, just (a little)

3. Usually I have … for breakfast. (a cup of tea)

4. Pass me … please. (the salt)

5. Would you like a glass of ? (wine)

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