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Dear Sir/Madam, ck
I am writing in connection with your recent series of
articles on juvenile delinquency. I would like to focus on
violence at schools.
(1) it seems to me that there are two reasons
for school violence. The (2) is the psychological
problems of young people who cannot cope with their
negative emotions. The (3) reason is young
people's indifference towards aggressive behaviour.
a lot can be done to prevent violence.
(5) there should be special awareness-raising
programmes for young people, (6) these would
inform them about the different forms of violence and
teach them skills to help them cope with their feelings.
the local government should have a special
helpline for victims of violence. (8) the anonymity
provided by the helpline, young people are more likely
to reach out for help.
Thank you for your time. I appreciate being given the
chance to share my views, and I look forward to hearing
what other readers have to say about this issue.
Yours faithfully,
Jack Grey
треба вставити слова:
in addition,
in my opinion,
because of,
in comparison,
such as,
first and foremost,
it seems to,
for example.

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Present simple: jane  does know   how to cook. i like   black coffee. i often  go  to the park. i  play  tennis every weekend. we  live  in boston.present continuous: i have been playingwe  have been preparing   for our exam since morning. she is not working now.  they are arriving at london tomorrow.he is watching tv now.

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