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2 Fill in: trove, sense, reduced, labour, mine, hard-earned, hunting, rights, manufacture. 1 The Internet is a ………………………………… of information on the subject of fashion. 2 In some countries, people don’t have basic human…………………………………, like fair pay and safe working conditions. 3 Laura doesn’t have any money ………………………………… – she’ll spend hundreds of pounds on a designer handbag and then struggle to pay her bills. 4 Dave works 50 hours a week, but he spends most of his ………………………………… cash on presents for his children. 5 If you’re into retro fashion, that new shop is a treasure ………………………………… of 1970s clothing. 6 I think it’s appalling that some big companies still use child………………………………… in their factories. 7 Many large retailers ………………………………… goods in foreign countries where labour is cheaper. 8 Rebecca loves to go bargain − ………………………………… in the market on a Saturday – she usually tries to find fashionable tops for under £5. 9 The shop is closing down and you can buy shoes at ………………………………… prices of £20 or less.

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Это формула пассивного залога: (the passive voice    be + v3), который обозначает, что действие совершает не само подлежащее, а направлено на подлежащее: jim was told about me . - джиму рассказали обо мне. i was almost broken by his words. - я    была почти сломлена его словами.

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