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Прочитать текст буквами the,with,father,mother, grandfather,,they. thanks,three,thank you. duck,black,back,pick,deck,sock,peck. a bear,there,a hare,a black bear. the bear is there,the bear is big. father,my father, his mother,brother,three brothers,my grandmother and his grandfather,three ducks, a black duck,they. they like to play with toys. a hare,a grey hare. do you like my grey hare? a duck . a black duck a little black his little black duck his three little black ducks l l have l have got l have got frogs l have got three frog l have got three green frogs. a duck . a black duck a little black his little black duck his three little black ducks l l have l have got l have got frogs l have got three frog l have got three green frogs.

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Эбеэ,зеэ,э хэе,э блэк беэ,зэ беэ ис зеэ,зэ беэ ис э биг фазе,май фазе, хис мазе,бразе,фри брозес,май грандмазе энд хизгрэндфазе,фрии дакс,э блэк дак,зей.зей лайк ту плэй виз тойс.э хээ, э грей хээ.ду ю лайк май грей хээ? э дак э блак дак э литл блэк хис литл блэк дак хис фрии литл блэк дакс ай ай хэв ай хэв гот фрогс ай хэв гот фрии фрогс ай хэв гот фрии грин фрогс э дак э блэк дак э литл дак хис литл блэк дак хиз фрии литл блэк дакс

1.выберите правильную форму глагола в активном залоге, чтобы дополнить предложения.


1. «will you switch off the light, dear? » she asked when we were leaving the house.

2. look, it is snowing heavily. it has been snowing like that since morning.

3. how long have you used your bike?


b past simple, past progressive, past perfect or past perfect progressive.


1. on august 29, 2005 their warnings had  come true.

2. when the flood started, the government claimed   that they had been controling the situation.

3. at the same time politicians were discussing the future of the city.


с future simple, future progressive, future perfect or future perfect progressive or future-in-the–past.


1. ok. by this time tomorrow you will have raked all fallen leaves and burned them.

2. they asked me if i would come on time.

3. everybody knows we will be having a meeting on ecological problems next friday at 4 o`clock.

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