Есть ответ 👍

Раскройте скобки 1. Please, don’t make so much noise. I (study) now.

2. Let’s go out now. It (not/ rain) anymore.

3. Please, be quiet. I (try) to concentrate.

4. Look! It (snow).

5. Why (you/ look) at me like that? Have I said something wrong?

6. Excuse me, I (look for) a phone box. Is there one near hear?

7. I (not/ work) this week. I am on holiday.

8. Why (you/ wear) this coat today? It’s very warm.

9. The phone (not/ ring).

10. What (you/ do) tonight?

11. Jake and Mike (work) late today.

12. Silvia (not/ listen to) the music.

13. Maria (sit) next to Paul.

14. How many students (study) in the library with you?

15. When you (leave)?

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

you play the piano very well.
Are you play the piano very well?
Yes, I am/No, I’m not

Популярно: Английский язык