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Діалог на тему " У чому переваги чи недоліки дистанційного навчання" буду вдячна за відповідь

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. i saw your brother in the library yesterday.2. we wrote a test at our lesson. the test was difficult. i made a lot of mistakes. 3. mary came home late on monday. 4. when they were in britain a week ago, they had driven from london to edinburgh. 5. mother puts the milk into the fridge. 6. john  left the party at 10 o’clock but i hadn't left until 12.  7. alex went  to paris last week, but his friend didn't want to go there. 8. we read this book when we were children. father gave it to us. 9. my son won the first prize in the art competition. 10. who ate all the cake?   11. i was in a hurry, so i had  no time to visit you. 12. the meeting began at 10. many people were speaking  at the meeting. 

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