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14. Choose the correct item.
robots in their homes.
1 In the future, I think everyone.
A will have
C had
B is going to have
D has
2 Tonight, I my best friend, Paul.
C will see
B am seeing
A see
D sees

..., camping next weekend?”
“That's the plan!”
Did Anna go
A Will Anna go
B Does Anna go
C Is Anna going to go
D Did Anna go
4 I believe that, in the future, there , a lot of water to drink,
C wasn't
A aren't
D won't be
B isn't
5 Jack Computer Science next year. He plans to study Maths,
A isn't going to study
C didn't study
B won't study
D doesn't study
6 This webcam is really cheap. I it.
A will buy
C bought
B am going to buy
D buy
7 We Japan next year. We booked the tickets last night.
A will visit
C visited
B are going to visit
D visit
8 It's very quiet in here. I on the radio.
A am going to turn
C turned
B turn
D will turn
9 We school at 1:30 today.
A are leaving
B will leave
D leave
C leaves
, extinct in the future?
A Is the tiger becoming
C Does the tiger become
B Will the tiger become
D Did the tiger become
11 Look at those clouds! It !
A is going to rain
B will rain
D rained
12 Andrew is going to fly to New York
A next week
C yesterday
B at weekends
D usually
13 We are playing computer games
A this afternoon
C often
B last week
D sometimes
15 Tomorrow morning I a presentation about the new robot.
A will attend
C attend
B am attending
D attended
16 I think I lunch at school today,
A am eating
C will eat
B eats
D eat
17 Look at that tree! It down
A will fall
C falls
B is going to fall
D falling
18 The phone is ringing! I it!
A am going to answer
C answered
B answer
D will answer
19 I think I my cousin an email later,
A will send
C am going to send
B am sending
D sent​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Joe, have you ever seen a wolf? -yes,i have seen two wolves at the zoo. -that's great! did you take pictures of wolf animals there? -yes,i took pictures of monkeys,foxes and polar bears. -how interesting! did you see any birds there? -yes,i saw some birds in the like.

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