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Десять ПРАВИЛЬНЫХ вопросов у тексту: Th e Home Is Everything
Our home is our castle. We use it every single day. It is where we
eat, sleep, relax and most oft en where we are our true selves. It is our home where we meet with the rest of the
family, be it spouses, parents or children. It is a quiet place we trust, and where we feel at ease with our feelings,
health, the loved ones and life.
Our home plays a role in so many areas of our life. It sends us out into the world each morning and then
we come back to it each night. It is the fi rst thing we encounter before we are ready to face our day and the last
thing surrounding us when we close our eyes at night.
Our home can either make us great and important or small and insignifi cant. Th us, we can either look forward
to that threshold or dread opening the door; we can either long for our cozy corner or rather not hurry home.
Our home is part of our self-defi nition. We may use our homes to help distinguish ourselves from others.
We and the places where we reside are engaged in a continuing set of exchanges; we have determinant, mutual
eff ects upon each other because we are part of a single, interactive system.
Sometimes, we give our home so little attention. Many of us neglect the impact our homes have on our daily
lives. We don’t see how our living space aff ects our mood, our health, our relationships and our career success.
It is our duty to work together with our space to create a home that supports who we want to be, and where we
want to go. Th erefore, it is quite necessary that we should put time, energy and intention into setting this space
up in a way that will fully support us. Consequently, if as they say, ‘home is where the heart is’, then by its most
literal defi nition, our home is wherever we are, wherever we feel safe, wherever we are waited for, wherever we
long to return every day and feel cozy, and loved.

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Ответы на вопрос:

robbie's dog roxy was smart. at least robbie thought so. robbie had found him on a street. the puppy looked cold and unhappy. robbie took the puppy home and fortunately his mum didn't mind it. one day robbie saw the ‘dogs' contest’ advert. according to it, all dogs that were able to perform tricks could participate.

"i wish roxy knew some tricks”, robbie thought. “but roxy can’t perform any.”

he decided to take roxy to the contest anyway, not as a participant but as a viewer. there were lots dogs on the contest ground. the collars of some dogs were decorated with medals. the contest started, and the judge threw a ball. roxy suddenly pulled away from robbie and began running fast. he was the firstdog to catch the ball and he didn’t forget to bring it back to the judge!

“the winner is the dog with no entry name on my list. whose dog is this? ” asked the judge.

“it’s my dog." said robbie. the judge handed robbie a small symbolic medal and a certificate for free dog food.

“congratulations! you have won! ” said robbie to roxy and gave him a big hug.

“let’s go home and celebrate. mum will be surprised when she learns the news.”

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