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С ИНГЛИШОМ :( 1. Add the prepositions: on/at/in/until/from/to

1) He came to London... 13th June and left again ... September.
2) They went out... half past one; they'll be back ... ten minutes.
3) He plays cricket... summer and football... winter.
4) He always leaves early... the morning and comes back late... night.
5) He rests... the weekends but works hard... Monday... Friday.
6) He was born ... the nineteenth century.
7) 1 am working... six oclock... Friday evening.

2. Find the proper form of the verb "to bе"

1) You speak English fluently . ... you from Britain?
2) He ... at home only in the evening because he ... very busy at work. He is
preparing for the business trip.
3) Haven't seen you for ages! How ... you? How... your family and a little
4) Whose coat ... this? I think it ... mine.
5) Call me back tomorrow. I ... at home in the evening.
6) Don't forget to congratulate Ann with her birthday or she ... angry.

4. Fill in the blanks using "to have"

1) ... you ... a minute? I'd like to talk to you.
2) Tomorrow morning I'll ... an appointment with my future boss.
3) When you were at school. ... you the best friend?
4) Next Monday I'll ... an exam.
5) Tomorrow we'll ... a party. Will you join us?
6) ... some urgent business yesterday?
7) She ... a large flat in the center of the city.

5. Choose the right verb

1) I can / can’t / might go out tonight. I’m too busy.
2) They say it must/ need / might snow tomorrow.
3) Can / May / Might you come to my party?

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