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лучший ответ. Define the meaning of the verb can and translate the sentences. 1. Can you speak Spanish? 2. Can I borrow your pencil for a moment? 3. Can your brother help me with mathematics? 4. Could you come to my place next Friday? – I’m sorry. I can’t. 5. When we went into the house we could smell something burning. 6. Could I talk to you for a minute, please? 7. When Joe was 16, he could run 100 meters in 11 seconds. 8. Can I watch the late film tonight, Mum? 9. Can you bring me a glass of water? 10. Susan can’t walk because she has broken her leg. 11. Can you answer the phone, please? 12. Could I ask you a question, madam? 13. You can have some more tea if you want. 14. Can you shut the window, please?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1a marble pavilion protects the house.-мраморный павильон защищает дом. the house is protected by marble pavilion.-дом защищен мраморным павильоном

2. не знаю

3.tom sawyer whitewashed the fence.-том сойер побелил забор. the fence was whitewashed by tom sawyer.-забор был побелен томом сойером.

4.the waves carried the boat away. -волны уносили лодку прочь. the boat was carried by waves away-лодку унесло волнами прочь

5.не знаю

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