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A. Match the questions to the answers (10 sentences) 1. Are you going to the library now? a)No, he isn’t.
2. Is your mother writing a story these days? b)No, she isn’t.
3. Are your friends riding a car? c) Yes, the boys are.
4. Is your father flying a kite at the moment? d) No, she isn’t.
5. Are we having fun today? e)No, it isn’t.
6. Is your cat swimming in the river? f) Yes, he is.
7. Are the boys climbing a tree? g) No, she isn’t
8. Is your sister tiding your room? h) Yes, they are.
9. Is your teacher speaking English? i) No, we aren’t.
10. Is your aunt drinking coffee today ? j) Yes, I am

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Ответы на вопрос:

Транскрипция:   [раждайиц`а] количество слогов: 4 (ро-жда-е-тся) количество: букв 9, звуков 9 р -  [р] - согл., зв., непарн., сонорный; о -  [а] - гл., безударн.; ж -[ж] - согл., зв.  парн., тв., непарн., шипящий;   д -  [д] - согл., зв. парн.; а -  [а] - гл., уд.; е -  [й`] - согл., зв. непарн., сонорн., мягкий непарн.;     -  [и] - гл., безуд.; т -   [-] с -  [ц] - согл., глух. непарн., тв. непарн.; я -  [а] - гл., безуд.

Популярно: Русский язык