Есть ответ 👍

I don’t like going by bus. * Neither don’t I
So do I
Neither do I

I love going to the cinema. *
I can
So am I
So do I

I can’t swim. *
Neither can I
2Neither do I
3I can

I haven’t got a dog *
Neither have I
So have I
I have

I enjoyed the concert. *
So have I
Neither did I
So did I

I want to visit this museum. *
I am
So have I
So do I

I’m really tired *
So did I
So have I
So am I

I don’t agree *
Neither did I
So do I
Neither do I

I’ve got a lot of friends. *
So have I
Neither have I
So am I

Mike is good at sports *
So am he
So is Jane
Neither do I

Charlie likes chocolate *
So is he
So does Jane
Neither did he

Wendy can’t cook.  *
So can I
Neither can I
I can

Emma lives in London.  *
So is Jim
So does Jim
So Jim does

Peter hasn’t finished yet.  *
So does she
So is he

Neither has she
Sue would love to work in Paris *
Neither would Jim
So would Jim
So does Jim

Meg couldn’t come today.  *
So could Jim
Neither can Jim
Neither could Jim

Dad won’t pay attention.  *
So won't Mum
So will Mum
Neither will Mum

Alex will be angry.  *
So am I
Neither will I
So will I

I’m going to Brazil in the summer *
So do I
So am I
Neither is he

You look nice today *
So do you
Neither is he
So you look

Stephanie has a new boyfriend *
So is he
So has he
So does he

Stephanie doesn’t eat meat *
So does he
Neither does he
Neither eat meat

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 Neither do I

2 So do I

3 Neither can I

4 Neither have I

5 So did I

6 So do I

7 So am I

8 Neither do I

9 So have I

10 So is Jane

11 So does jane

12 Neither can I

13 So does Jim

14 Neither has she

15 So would Jim

16 Neither could Jim

17 Neither will Mum

18 So will I

19 So am I

20 So do you

21 So has he

22 Neither does he


General question: do they speak english at lessons? special question: where do they speak english? tail question: do they speak english at lessons, don't they?

Популярно: Английский язык