Есть ответ 👍

1. Напишите три степени сравнения следующих прилагательных Brave, wonderful, good, long, warm, sad, bad, sunny, careful, cheap, expensive, little,
heavy, many, hot
2. Раскройте скобки, употреби в прилагательное в нужной форме
1. Martha is ... (beautiful) girl in our class.
2. He's invited us to that ... (glamorous) restaurant.
3. His car is ... (expensive) than our car.
4. Football is ... (popular) sport in the world.
5. Betsy is ... (young) than her sister.
6. Kung Fu is one of ... (old) martial arts.
7. Usian Bolt is ... (fast) runner in the world.
8. Mike is ... (good) at History than Sam.
9. Your bag is too ...(heavy). I can't lift it.
10. My brother drinks ... (little) water tan me.
11. Maths is ... (difficult) subject of all.
12. You can't walk ... (far), there's a cliff in front of you.
13. Alex is ...(friendly) than any other person I know.
14. What is ... (scary) film you have ever seen?
15. You're always watching those ... (boring) films!

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