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1. There are some pieces of advice about healthy eating – read them and translate orally. 1. Choose healthy snacks. Hummus and carrots or fruit and low-fat yogurt are smart choices for satisfying hunger between meals.
2. Track food intake. Eating extra calories can lead to weight gain over the course of a year. Paying attention to portions can ensure that every bite counts.
3. Move more. Walk for 30–60 minutes to reduce disease risk and improve health.
4. Eat breakfast. Eating a healthy breakfast prevents snacking later in the day.
5. Prepare food at home. Home-cooked meals are often lower in calories and have more variety than restaurant meals.

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4,7(24 оценок)

Пояснения  тут  излишни,  достаточно  понимать  смысл  предложения) 1)tne elephant is the (big) lang animal. =biggest 2)monkeys ) than giraffes. =more  sociable 3)these baby monkeys (curious) than those ones.  =more  curious 4)a dog is a man") friends.=best 5)i think dolphines are the ) animals in the world. =cleverest 6)horses are ) than camels.= more  beautiful

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