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ОЧЕНЬ НАДО! Complete the sentences with the right form of verbs

1Ann (go) home by the time her brother arrived.

2.If I ( have) the money , I ( go)swimming.

3.Jane suddenly realised that Alex - (leave) his laptop on the train in the garden.

4My grandmother was annoyed because my sister (not clean) her room.

5. (they / study) French before they went to France?

6. If I ( be ) fitter, I ( ride) a horse.

7Alexfinish this report by the end of the week (must\have to).

8 Ann studies and works in France but she (have) a holiday in Russia now.

9 Jane (get up) at nine o'clock every day.

10Fred (study) here for four years.

11 I (dance) when I saw some people​

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