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1. Translate the following words into English. Художня література, назва, містити, автор, жанр, поет, романіст, драма,
забавний, емоційний, есе, натхнення, надихати, правдивий.
II. Choose the correct answer, active or passive.
1. They (play/are played) tennis twice a week.
2. We (do/are done) the dishes every evening.
3. This program (watches/is watched) by millions of people.
4. They (wear/are worn) sandals in the summer.
5. English and Arabic (teach/are taught) at our school.
IV. Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the
verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple Passive.
1. Hundreds of e-mails ... (send) every second.
2. What kind of food ... (serve) in that restaurant?
3. The computers ... (turn on) early in the morning.
4. All Lana's friends ... invite) to the party.
5. Our class ... (clean) every afternoon.​

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Uk united kingdom of great britan-соединенное королевство великобритании.

Популярно: Английский язык