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1. Fill the blanks. Use the verb in brackets in proper tense. 1. You ... dinner at home on week-days (not, to have).
2. She ... usually ... supper (not, to have).
3. There ... lots of pencils in his bag yesterday (to be).
4. They ... in London (to be).
5. When ... she born? (to be)
6. When ... you ... school? (to leave)
7. What subjects ... you ... to study at school? (to like)
8. Yesterday the doctor... the operation (to make).
9. We ... this book last week (not, to read).
10. ... you ... this film last month? (to see)
11. We ... this film last week (to see).
12. ... You ... TV yesterday? (to watch)
13. There ... some milk in the bottle yesterday (to be).

2. Choose the right variant.
1. I could not / mustn’t / shouldn’t eat so many hamburgers. They’re not good
for you.
2. I cannot have / don’t have to /mustn’t study at the weekends, except when
you have exams.
3. I may not / might not /needn’t worry. Everything will be OK.
4. I do not have to /might not/mustn’t use your mobile phone in class.
5. Diana looks happy. She can /can have /must have heard some good news.
6. I cannot /may not /might not have left my mobile phone at school on Friday
afternoon – I had it on Friday night.
7. It can /could / couldn’t rain tomorrow.

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Ответы на вопрос:


2. Mary was at school yesterday.

3. Mum and Dad were at the cinema tree days ago.

4. David was at the shops a week ago.

5. I was at the zoo last Tuesday.

6. Brian and May were in London las Sunday.


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