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1.At the airport we realized that we to switch off the light in the bedroom * forgot
had forgotten
had been forgetting

2. We money for three years before we our flat. *

saved/ bought
were saving/had bought
had been saving/bought

3. When I was doing my homework I realized that the teacher this topic for three hours. *

had been explaining
had explained

4. I wasn’t hungry. I just lunch. *

had been having.
had had

5. My dad bought me a new phone. I it for a long time. *

had been wanting
had wanted.

6. I really bad yesterday at school because I a strange sandwich for breakfast. *

felt/had had
had felt/had been having

7. We for about 20 minutes when a car stopped. *

had walked
were walking
had been walking

8. He was out of breath. He *

was running.
had been running.
had run.

9. It ___ and the ground was wet. *

had been raining.
was raining.
had rained.

10. I home before he. *

came / arrived.
came / had arrived.
Both are correct

11. John didn’t want to come to the cinema, because he already the film. *

had seen
had been seeing

12. Lola came and saw that her son computer since morning. *

had been playing
had played
was playing

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