Present perfect
очень ​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My sister, Hannah already have finished university.


12. How many sisters have you got?

13. Mary has sold her car to a friend.

14. The programme hasn't started yet.

15. I've already seen that film.

16. You've just missed the bus.

17. Has Janet brought the shopping in yet?

18. Yes, I've just finished reading it.

19. Have Tom and Jake ever eaten chorizo?

20. How long has Henry lived in Brazil?

21. I think he has lived in Brazil since 2008.

22. That MP4 has been in the shop window for months.

23. Have you ever sent an email to your aunt?

24. How much have you spent this month on CDs?

25. My sister, Hannah has already finished university.


1i will be given plenty of time to decide. 2 we will be shown a new machine by them. или а new machine will be shown to us by them. 3 the men were paid 400€ by someone to do the work. 4 i was asked some difficult questions by them at the interview. или some different questions were asked by them at the interview. 5 linda was given a present by her colleagues when she retired. или a present was given to linda by her colleagues when she retired. 6 i wasn’t told about the meeting. 7 how much will you be paid for your work ? 8 i think tom will be offered the job . или i think the job will be offered to tom by them.

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