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Olympic athletes had to be male, of Greek nationality, and not slaves. They promised to compete in an hanourable way and to follow Seven types of events took place in the stadium, including running, discus, javelin, iong Jump. wrestling, and baxing There was also chariot racing the rules but some athletes still and horse riding in the Hippodrome cheated. If caught, they had to pay a large ine and this money The Olympic Games was used to pay for statues of Zeus, which were located along became a mgor sports event but the Roman Emperor Theodosius I finally decided to ban the Olympic Games in 393 AD ater more than 1,000 years the route to the stadium with the name of the cheat on each base. To get to the stadium, the athvetes had to waik past all the statues of existence because he tnought they were a pagan cuit Gradually the siteE disappeared and was forgotten However, in the 19th entury. Unlike the moidern

Olympics, which currently includes 35 sports and nearly 400 events, many of which are team sports such as football and basketbail, the ancient Games archaeologicat work finally revealed the ruins of Obympla and, today, visitors can appreciate Oiympla and magine the past glory of the Games only included individual events.
Seven types of events took place in the stadium, including running, discus, javelin, iong Jump. wrestling, and baxing There was also chariot racing and horse riding in the Hippodrome.
The Olympic Games became a mgor sports event but the Roman Emperor Theodosius I finally decided to ban the Olympic Games in 393 AD ater more than 1,000 years of existence because he tnought they were a pagan cuit Gradually the siteE disappeared and was forgotten However, in the 19th entury. archaeologicat work finally revealed the ruins of Obympla and, today, visitors can appreciate Oiympla and magine the past glory of the Games

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olympic games       

the world's greatest international sports games are known as the olympic games.

the olympic idea means friendship, fraternity and cooperation among the people of the world.

the olympic emblem is five interlinked rings: blue, yellow, black, green and red. 

the original olympic games began in ancient greece in 776 b.c.

winners were called “olympionics”, they were awarded olive wreaths and cups of olive oil.

the olympic games are considered to be the biggest international sports games.

there are two types of olympic games: summer olympics and winter olympics.

all those combatants laid down their weapons during  the olympic games, and sometimes even after the games' closing.

i lake the olympik games.they are very interesting and exciting sport competitions.



олимпийские игры

самые известные в мире спортивные игры — олимпийские.

идея игр — дружба, братство и согласие народов мира.

олимпийская эмблема — пять переплетенных колец: голубое, желтое, черное, зеленое и красное.

в первый раз олимпийские игры были проведены в древней греции в 776 году до н. э.

победителей называли “олимпиониками”, их награждали венками из оливкового дерева и кубками с оливковым маслом.

олимпийские игры являются самыми крупными международными спортивными играми.

существует два вида олимпийских игр: летние игры и зимние игры.

во время  проведения олимпийских игр, а иногда и после их окончания все воины складывали свое оружие.

              мне нравятся олимпийские игры.это интересные и увлекательные соревнования.

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