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Choose the correct item. 1 She
A is cooking
dinner at the moment.
B am cooking C cooks
11 She
A is having
a shower every night.
B has
C am having
2 Do we need
B some
12 Could I have a
A glass
of water, please?
B packet C piece
3 Let's meet for lunch Wednesday.
A in
C at
13 Rick for his exams this week.
A am studying B studies C is studying
eggs are there in the fridge?
A How much
B How
C How many
14 How
A some
tea do you want?
B much
C many
5 Yuko
A lives
in Japan.
B live
C is living
15 It today in Boston.
A isn't snowing B snows
C snowing
6 Would you like a biscuits?
A little
B few
C some
16 There aren't any
A knifes
on the table.
B knife
C knives
playing with her friends at the moment?
B Is she C Is he
17 Are you
A working
late today?
B work
C works
A Is it
8 Can I have
A some
18 Can I have
A a little
sugar in my coffee, please?
B a few
B any
C a few
9 How about a
of cake?
B carton
19 Carol usually
A don't wear
jeans and sandals.
B is wearing C wears
A cup
C piece
10 Do you want any ?
A tomatoes
B tomato
20 There are
A much
apples in the basket.
B a little
C some
C tomatos​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1. a
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. b
7. b
8. a
9. c
10. а
11. b
12. a
13. c
14. b
15. a
16. c
17. a
18. a
19. c
20. c
4,6(75 оценок)

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