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Task 1

Listen to the talk and discuss the questions with your partner.

What did the speakers talk about?

What forms of renewable energy does Phil think not reliable?

What does the tutor say the project should contain mainly?

What did the ss decide to analyze in the project?

Task 2

Listen to the recording again and answer the questions. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Questions 1-4.

According to Phil, what are the 2 problems with some renewable energy sources?

List 2 things that Professor Jenkins wants to see in the students’ report.

Questions 5-7. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Complete the chart below.

Social energy production costs forecast

Task 3.

Questions 8-10. Complete the summary below using words from the box. Write ONE option A-H next to 8-10.

Project content summary.

The alternative energy project will cover 3 main areas: a comparison, a price8. and an analysis. The students will use information given to them by their tutor and government 9. . Using a system of comparison between the data sets they will 10. any discrepancies for further analysis.

A data D demonstrate G reduction

B highlight E prediction

C statistics F evaluate

Task 4. Discuss the following questions in groups.

1. In what ways have industries used energy sources in an inefficient way?

2. What technological standards or advances should industries adapt to use energy sources more efficiently?

3. How can governments intervene to increase the efficiency of energy source use among industries?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Spain is one of the warmest countries in western europe. for spain is characterized by very deep internal climatic differences, and it is only conditionally can be entirely attributed to the mediterranean climatic region. in the far north-west the climate is mild and humid with weak fluctuations in temperature throughout the year and high rainfall. constant winds from the atlantic bring a lot of moisture, especially in winter, when the dominant misty and cloudy weather with drizzling rain, with little frost and snow. the average temperature of the coldest month is the same as in the north-west of france. summers are hot and humid, average temperatures rarely below 16 degrees celsius. quite different conditions in the interior parts of the country - on the plateau of the old and new castile and aragon plain. in these areas, the influence of plateau-hollow of a relief, a considerable height and the local continental air. in old castile and aragon are quite plain cold winters with frosts and strong, harsh winds, hot summers and fairly dry, although the maximum precipitation occurs in this season of the year. in new castile climate is slightly softer, with more warm in winter, but also with low rainfall. agriculture in all these areas need irrigation/

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