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1. I opened the door and went... the classroom. 1.I saw a pon ... the floor.
2. The teacher was writing some words ... the 2. I picked it up and put it ... the table.
3. He put his hand ... his pocket, took
3. The pupils were writing these words ... their letter and dropped it ... the mailbox
exercise books.
which hung ... the wall of the house.
4 There were some books and
4 Then he got ... his car and drove of
pens ... the teacher's table.
5. We went... the garden and sat dow
5. There were two maps ... the wall and some bench.
flowers ... the windowsills.
6. We live ... the country.
6. Lev Tolstoy liked to get up ... sunrise. 7. My father goes ... work every day
7. Our lessons are usually over ... twenty stays ... town.
minutes to two.
8. But sometimes he comes ... the c
8. They returned from the wood ... sunset. work and goes back ... town early i
9. I began writing my composition ... seven morning, when I am still ... bed.
o'clock and finished only ... midnight.
9. Would you like to try a piece ..
10. He was standing outside the door ... his 10. He gave her a big bunch ... bea
house and explaining ... the mechanic what flowers.
was wrong with his car.
11. I sent a letter ... my friend.
11. Many pages ... this book are torn.
12. Пройдите по этому коридор
12. Через пять минут все сидели за столом за угол в конце коридора и вой,
и слушали бабушку.
первую комнату. .
13. Иди по этой дорожке через поле и через 13. В году мы путеш
лес, и через два-три часа ты подойдешь к России.
14. Иди по этой дорожке через​

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